Thursday, July 22, 2010

Downtown Seattle

May 27th, 2010
The highlight of our trip to downtown Seattle for Konrad was riding the city bus and this elevated train.

The obligatory picture of the Space Needle on the typical cloudy, rainy day in Seattle. And no, we did not go up into the Needle.

Instead we spent our morning at the Pacific Science Center, also free with our membership card from the Appleton Building for Kids!

A picture that was NOT taken by me but gives you an idea of how impressive the Pacific Science Center is.

My pictures . . .

Konrad and this little girl played for at least an hour in the tot area of the museum. They were hilarious together.

Zosia preferred to play in the water.

The kids were not in the least interested in the dinosaur exhibit or anything else of real interest to us, another reason, we were really glad that we did not have to pay the entry fee.

Look! There is Alice and her friend the Mad Hatter!

Strategic move. . . I would say!

The duet! Too bad you can't hear the playing. (Just kidding)

Kiddie rides near the Needle.

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